PXP Royale – Cellular Support

Your Body knows how to heal itself.   What’s missing is the energy it needs to get the job done.  PXP Royale gives you the nano level real food nutrients and from there your body knows what to do and how to function.


Introducing Alfa PXP Royale, a natural superfood made up of legendary purple rice grains containing built-in antioxidants, potent phytonutrients, alpha glucans, and polysaccharide peptides. Enzacta reveals the ancient secrets of Forbidden Rice…

For centuries, the consumption of purple rice was limited to the emperors of the most powerful dynasties in Asia, their families, and the warriors who rode into battle for them. Now–after much research, and following Kaizen, the philosophy of continuous improvement–this mystical and potent rice has been rediscovered and unveiled by Enzacta.

Alfa PXP Royale nourishes the mitochondria with the polysaccharide peptides it needs to generate energy, which is crucial for a cell. When being regularly nourished with polysaccharide peptides, mitochondria are able to absorb glucose and convert it to energy.

Superfood Alfa PXP Royale contains the best antioxidants available, originating from the high quantities of anthocyanins in purple rice which help the mitochondria get rid of free radicals, keeping the cells healthy.  Enzacta brings you this nutritional treasure, once available only to ancient emperors and kings.

Anthocyanins are known for protecting the plants and foods which contain them against the damaging effects of UV radiation from the sun and other external aggressors.

The anthocyanins contained in Alfa PXP Royale have been linked to the following benefits:

  • Positive anti-inflammatory effects
  • Relief from chronic degenerative diseases
  • Reduced elevated blood-sugar in diabetics
  • Reduction in arthritis pain
  • Blockage of “bad cholesterol” molecule
  • Obesity prevention
  • Slowing of skin degeneration
  • Preservation of sexual functioning
  • Improves memory, ability to learn
  • Benefits those who suffer from:
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parksinson’s
  • M.S.
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Paralysis and other degenerative brain diseases

How do you get PXP Royale?  Contact me, I will share with you the options for purchasing PXP Royale, including how to save on the per-bottle price.