How Do I Get Rid Of A Virus?

It seems as though with our advanced science that we would have a handle on defending ourselves from bacteria and fungi. The answer that has been used by science and medicine for decades has been to kill off the infection with antibiotics. We know now that this is not necessarily the only answer, and it is certainly not the best answer.

How much do we know about bacteria and fungi, how these foreign substances get into our system? Our body responds with its own antibiotics known as defensins. It is clear in seeing the development of allergies and disease that our own defenses are not enough. Where does the problem lie?

There are those who believe that the answer is not to just throw some pill at the situation, taking the defensive stance. Instead they speak of eliminating the cause of our complaints instead. The idea is making the body so functional and strong that it is able to address the fungi, like Candida, and bacterias. The World Health Organization states that we have an average of two pounds of parasitic matter in our bodies. Those parasites, and again, Candida is in that group, decrease our energy and release toxins within our body that we then have to clean up.

The answer? One is to decrease the foods that bacteria and fungi love so much, and increase the foods and support that help break down and release those toxic challenges without causing more harm. This is not a quick fix by any means, but an everyday day-by-day choice.

Taking a top-quality probiotic will turn the tables on the bacteria and fungi in your system as well as help you clear out the toxins they produce. Eating foods that support a healthy flora also helps greatly in sliding the balance to better digestion and overall better health. Candida G and Flora G Plus are designed to work as a team to reduce Candida overgrowth.

Another amazing discover is Humic Fulvic Inhibitor, which is a bio-available food that is safe, powerful and effective in ending the reproduction of viruses and bacteria in the body.

Our bodies are amazing multi-functional systems designed to last decades, and we have only begun to understand how taking the strengthening approach affects our long-term condition.

Reference: Defense Mechanism Against Bacteria and Fungi Deciphered